Course curriculum

    1. Message from InterLINK

    2. Welcome back!

    3. What to expect

    4. Help needed?

    1. A message from Dr. Mark Colgate

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Resources

    1. What is the Power of Context?

    2. Fixed and Growth Mindset

    3. Service Culture

    4. Physical Environment

    5. Before you start the quiz

    6. 1st Quiz - Power of Context - Part 1

    7. Power of Context - Reflection

    1. What's it about?

    2. System 1 and 2

    3. Physical environment and System 1

    4. The answer

    5. Framing

    6. Anchor effect

    7. Social Proof

    8. Power of Context

    9. 2nd Quiz - Power of Context - Part 2

    10. Moving on

    1. Power of Expertise

    2. It's the moment you realize...

    3. Curse of knowledge

    4. Demonstrating Expertise

    5. Authority bias

    6. Cognitive Control

    7. 3rd Quiz - Power of Expertise

    8. How to become an expert?

    9. Reflection - Power of Expertise

    1. Power of Relationships

    2. The Sweet Spot - Recap

    3. How to build Relationships

    4. Reflection - Power of Relationships

    5. 4th quiz - Power of Relationships

    6. Recap

About this course

  • Free
  • 53 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content