Course curriculum

    1. Thank you for participating in the Digital Marketing Bootcamp

    2. Welcome to an Introduction of Digital Marketing

    3. Introduction to Digital Marketing

    4. Customer Persona and Branding

    5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Website Optimization

    6. Email Marketing

    7. Content Creation & Marketing

    8. Paid Advertising

    9. Social Media Marketing

    10. Analytics

    11. Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

    1. Elements of a Customer Persona

    2. Elements of a Customer Persona - Quiz

    3. Sample Personas

    4. Sample Personas Quiz

    5. Customer Persona Terms

    6. Customer Persona Terms - Quiz

    7. Using Storytelling to Build Branding

    8. Using Storytelling to Build Branding - Quiz

    9. Choosing a Name

    10. Choosing a Name - Quiz

    11. Claiming Your Brand Online

    12. Claiming Your Brand Online - Quiz

    13. Choosing Colours

    14. Choosing Colours - Quiz

    15. Logo Considerations

    16. Logo Considerations - Quiz

    17. Additional Resources & Citations

    18. Customer Personas, Branding & Storytelling - Slides

    1. Introduction

    2. Worksheet Exercise 1

    3. Introduction - Quiz

    4. The Elements of a Story

    5. Worksheet Exercise 2

    6. The Elements of a Story - Quiz

    7. The 3 Act Play

    8. Worksheet Exercise 3

    9. The 3 Act Play - Quiz

    10. Team Sport

    11. Worksheet Exercise 4

    12. Team Sport - Quiz

    13. The Hero's Journey

    14. Worksheet Exercise 5

    15. The Hero's Journey - Quiz

    16. The Founder's Story

    17. Worksheet Exercise 6

    18. The Founder's Story - Quiz

    19. Conclusion

    20. Conclusion - Quiz

    1. Introduction & Terms

    2. Content Management System

    3. Website Builders

    4. eCommerce

    5. Hosting & Domain

    6. Additional Resources & Citations

    1. Store Creation

    2. Domain, Hosting & Pricing

    3. Domain, Hosting & Pricing - Quiz

    4. Creating a Page

    5. Creating a Page - Quiz

    6. Adding a Product

    7. Adding a Product - Quiz

    8. Creating Collections

    9. Creating Collections - Quiz

    10. Theme Set Up

    11. Theme Set Up - Quiz

    12. A Peek Into Settings

    13. A Peek Into Settings - Quiz

    14. Tools, Tips

    15. Tools, Tips - Quiz

    1. In Action

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  • 429 lessons
  • 29.5 hours of video content

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